2018: Updated opener, and added notes about delaying Bestial Wrath for Aspect of the Wild and vice versa. 2019: Added note about Rapid Reload changing your multi-target rotation. 2019: Added Barbed Shot to the lowest priority in the rotation when there is nothing else to do. 2019: Altered the Primal Instincts opener, added more details to Aspect of the Wild usage, added more detail to Barbed Shot usage and a few other changes. 2019: This page has been reviewed for Crucible of Storms and no changes are necessary. : Added small note about Kill Command leaving the rotation at 4+ targets with Rapid Reload enabled.
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2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary. Spitting Cobra should be used on cooldown along with Bestial Wrath. Theidea is that you always want at least one stack of Frenzy active duringBestial Wrath, even if you cannot reach 3 stacks on it.
It is worth casting Barbed Shot regardless of your chargestatus if Frenzy is down, and Bestial Wrath is up. As bad as this feels, it is worth it in order to refresh Frenzy. Sometimes, you will run into a situation where you are forced to cast Barbed Shot right when Bestial Wrath is coming offcooldown. If you are at 100 Focus orabove, then it is better to cast something else first. Remember that casting Chimaera Shot on cooldown is only a highpriority if you will not Focus cap from casting it. You should avoid casting Cobra Shot when there is less than 2.5seconds remaining on Kill Command's cooldown, unlessyou are on 90 Focus or above. You should be careful not to overdo it, however, or you riskletting the buff drop completely. Refreshing Frenzy as late as possible is almost alwayspreferable. 2 is the sweet spot where you are spendingas much Focus as you are generating, while also not wasting the cooldownreduction on Kill Command. Generally speaking, you should not cast more than 2 Cobra Shotsin between Kill Commands. If you keep these things in mind, it will make it much easierto achieve a perfect rotation: There are a few rules you should keep in mind when trying to play BeastMastery optimally. You should cast Barbed Shot during otherwise empty GCDs (whenyou have nothing else to do), as long as it has more than 1.4 charges remaining(meaning that part of the second charge is regenerated). Cast Cobra Shot when you havea lot of Focus to burn, and when Kill Command is notcoming off cooldown within 2.5 seconds. If you cast it too early, you will not be able to reach 3 stacks and maintainit for very long.
When Frenzy is down, cast Barbed Shot when you are about to reach2 charges of it.
Try to not castanything right before it, so that you can cast it the very instant it comesoff cooldown. If Bestial Wrathis coming up within the next 20 seconds, then delay Aspect of the Wild to line it up with Bestial Wrath. If Aspect of the Wildis coming up within 20 seconds, delay it to sync them up. If Frenzy isnot up, and Bestial Wrath is active, cast Barbed Shot regardless. This is a higherpriority than not wasting Bestial Wrath cooldown reduction.
Cast Barbed Shot when the Frenzy buff on your petis about to expire or when you are close to 2 charges of Barbed Shot,refreshing Frenzy as late as possible without dropping it. The single target rotation for a Beast Mastery Hunter is based onthe following priority system.